
Won 2 gold diplomas and one bronze diploma. The Directorate for Professional Support for Agricultural Development of the Ministry of Agriculture organized the 5th evaluation of processed food products of plant origin. In addition to employees of the Administration who deal with the processing of products of plant origin, recognized professors in that domain from the Faculty of Food and Biotechnology and the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Zagreb participated in the expert evaluation committee.



Along with elderflower macerate, water and sugar , the only ingredient in our syrup is citric acid . This is a drink without preservatives, artificial colors, aromas and fragrances produced from elderflowers harvested on the edges of our eco-certified meadows and fields, but also elsewhere in preserved nature . The product is regularly microbiologically analyzed in an authorized laboratory . The sugar content is also tested, the share of which we managed to significantly reduce to 34%. Since 1-2 years ago, we have been planting our areas which are exclusively under elder and which are in the process of ecological certification.

Although our agricultural areas (we grow organic sweet potatoes and organic butternut squash ) have had an ecological certificate for a number of years , we want to go a step further in production and have been using biodynamic preparations for decades. OPG Hranjec - Belak is in the official procedure for obtaining the Demeter certificate.

The syrup is produced according to the traditional recipe of our grandmothers. A possible layer of sediment is proof of this quality. Traditional production requires more time, but that's why it evokes memories of the top tastes of childhood.

OPG pays great attention to the development of our syrups. In recent years, we have significantly expanded this production, and we plan to do so in the future as well.

The product is pasteurized and has a shelf life of 18 months .

After opening, it should be kept in the refrigerator .

It is recommended to mix 1 part syrup with 6 parts water .

The product is available in a 0.75 l bottle.

The color may vary depending on weather conditions (eg if it rained for a day or two or three before harvesting), depending on the side of the world where most of the flowers were harvested (the southern side gets the most sun), air temperature, etc.

In the fall of 2023, we sent three of our products: elderflower syrup, elderberry syrup and extra elderberry jam to a national competition. Elderflower syrup and elderberry syrup won the gold diploma in a fairly strong competition, while extra jam won the bronze.

Thank you for your interest in our product.